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Super admin plugin will make admins life easier by do many task from public area.
this plugins will allow admin to quick edit product from public side. There is quick edit button added in product box, which will product edit form in popup on public area, from where user can easily update product title, description, price, quantity, categoy - manufacturer - vendor mapping. User can also edit Shipping, Inventory, Gift card, Rental and Recurring related details.
Admim user can quick navigate to specific product edit page by click on Edit button.
- Quick Edit product from Product Box from Public area
- Quick navigate to Admin > product Edit page from Product box
- Quick navigate to admin specific page by click side dock menu
- Docker dynamic color configuration which can meet theme color
- Super menu in admin which will open all options together
- Easy to upload Admin logo from configuration page
- Open to modify views and design
- Bulk Product Edit in nopCommerce 4.7
- NEW User friendly Access Control List page in nopCommerce 4.80.X version which make more easy to set permission role wise to admin
- Smart Shortcut Key for navigation to perticular admin page
- Smart Shortcut Key for navigation to specific category, product, manufactrer, vendor edit page from anywhere in admin area
- Changed default checkbox design to toggle button for make it more user friendly
- Mobile friendly support
- Theme compatibility
NEW User friendly Access Control List page in nopCommerce 4.80.X version which make more easy to set permission role wise to admin
Now Bulk Edit option available in nopCommerce 4.7.X version
Now Admin can quickly got specific admin page by press short cut keys instead of use mouse.Admin can quickly go to perticular product edit page, order detail page, category - Manufacturer - Vendor Page by using of short cut keys
Fully localizable using external XML files
Multi-store support
Fast support
1 year free support and upgrades since purchase
Theme Supported
Easy setup
Added support for nopCommerce 4.70
Added support for nopCommerce 4.80